Saturday, February 2, 2013

DAY 7) Precise Accuracy; Impeccable Correctness

Precison has its place. This computer certainly exacts it. No misplaced comma or mistouched key tap is forgiven. It is either right or wrong. My iPad has an intuitive Word Processor program (rarely a disadvantage). It will make of me writing disavantaage automatically the correct spelling. Not so for Nancy's computer. It has as yet no Microsoft Word, and so it clunks away on a noisy keyboard with the unmistakeable need for absouute, precise and imeccable accuracy.

In our typical ease with synthesis, Nancy discusses with me the future of children being implanted with micro-chips so that the acquisition of knowledge (accurate bytes of information) is no longer the primary focus of education, rather, the ability to synthesize, process, and manage knowledge will be. Ha! Imagine a child not programmed with a Word Processor (like this computer). The inequality of it would be outrageous. Yet as soon as we establish pricing (and one can foresee that coming) we shall indeed have inequality (again). "Oh, you want Google Earth Australia, well that will cost you $X's more!" In fact, my Canadian Garmin GPS upgrade maps to include Australia wanted more money, so I declined and did not bring it. Is that why Anthony Brink and I got lost in the Newtown suburb of Sydney? Is that why Nancy's daughter could not fine the turn-off to the shortcut? I was not equitable to the task; I did not have sufficient wherewithall to be precise on the given occasion.

The marriage of art and science is everywhere. Even this 'HP All-in-One PC and Monitor ín one gives you a simple, elegant, and tower-free desktop' the label on the right top corner reads. It is a thing of beauty. But it it is entirely unfogieving. Not a single mistke is allowed! It will record it, leave it on the otherwise blank page of your progress, and it will not auto-correct, make further suggestions, prompt for better accuracy (as if accuracy can be graded by superlatives, ha!) and will not marry your art with its science. It wants impeccable truth, absolute honesty, and actual factual precision.

Human beings actually progress toward that predominant need. Were the word predominant to be left out of the aspirant's ongoing progress one would become a robot. And stay there. Indeed, many a movie has been made about the need to program a robot with emotions. As if emotions are scientific, karma like: because of this, that. There is a Newtonian need for reaction endemic to the impulse; an equal and opposite reaction to overcoming inertia. Lost you? Go download a Garmin, download the Smithsonian, download the Guru. Oh, cannot find it? Cannot afford it? Well then, you should have taken the other exit, the one that says free parking but only for ten minutes: don't waste my time! You're cut off. The program you want will not run. And no, you cannot share the blinking Blink stick! It is registered to one user only! And even if you could, if you bypass the firewall and use Nancy's password (as if the thing was your own) you could not use the other most important tool to your progress, the printer. The Epson Stylus NX635 series cannot be shared on your own brain-space, er. your computer. It is licensed to one user only. Go get your own. (Well, if I did, I might not call my offspring Epson, ha!)

There are seven Memes in the First Tier of Spiral Dynamics. (Yes, they are heirarchical; real life is not fair). Within each big Meme of predominating behaviour are smaller memes of predominating habits. The dynamic interchange of all small meme habits as well as big Meme behaviours allows for the fluidity of mankind to interact. It is only those persons who create firewalls of impeccable need for compliance that frustrate those who would otherwise circumvent the laws, the covert expectations, the unbreakable traditions, the sacrosant regulations. As much as we clealry need our planes to fly safely and accurately, our vehicles to stop when told, our microwave not to overcook, and our ir-conditioning to work, it is the fluidity and flow of our response to things that defines us. We keep at the computer until it works, or, as Nancy has offered, we "Thow the damn thing out of the window! Let's go buy a better one!" Ha! Life, indeed, is not always given so simple a solution.  


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